

上海亮厦门窗有限公司是一家专业从事高档门窗设计,制造,销售及安装于一体的综合性企业。公司借鉴欧美等发达国家成熟的产品及工艺;融合国内外先进的设计理念,引进国际先进技术和设备,运用科学先进的管理模式完善,可靠的生产体系;主要生产木铝复合、铝包木、纯木、断桥铝合金等多个系列的高档门窗公司总部位于上海市浦东新区,展示厅位于上海徐汇区,公司在产品的设计, 原材料的选购工艺流程,使用功能,安装服务等各方面一直保持与国际同步发展。我们的产品已广泛地应用于各类建筑,在上海市全市三十多个高档住宅工程项目以及家庭中使用。赢得了良好的品牌形象,也经受了时间的检验。亮厦公司秉承"以人为本 服务社会"的宗旨本着"自然,和谐" 的经营理念;以科技进步为先导市场需求为方向,客户满意为目标,品质与服务并举,向国际市场迈进。竭诚向客户提供幽雅,高尚的"亮厦"产品和服务。

Shanghai Long shine Window Co., Ltd was established in 2006.The headquarters is located in Pudong New Area, The pursuit of our design team is to make modern doors and windows system that is rich in Chinese culture and design. Imitation makes "European doors & windows BE American doors & windows" to be very popular in some developed cities of China. a Our Chinese people feel that the westemn modern windows and doors are very fashionable and elegant, but at the same time they also feel that the western modern windows and doors are not integrated with Chinese art forms and Chinese local culture The market calls for Chinese modern windows and doors. The Phsophy of the Research and Development Depart- ment of Shanghai Longshine Window Co.Ltd is based on the requirements of our modern doors and windows which does not discard the per formance characteristics of western modern doors and Windows and integrates the wisdom of the foreign experts and tries to grasp the development trends of the doors and windows and in the process, develop modern Chinese style doors and windows.
